The Future of Gaming is Here: Roblox Drops Generative AI and allows users to build virtual worlds by just typing

The Future of Gaming is Here: Roblox Drops Generative AI and allows users to build virtual worlds by just typing

Roblox is taking virtual world creation to the next level with the help of generative AI technology!

The goal for Roblox = let people build virtual worlds by just typing.

I know what you are thinking... that is a lofty challenge.

But it is doable.

In fact, almost half of all code generated by Github is now written by AI.

Yes, humans still make up the other half but not for long it seems.

... Enter Roblox AI!

Roblox is experimenting with a new tool that uses artificial intelligence to help players create and modify in-game objects quickly.

The technology is so advanced that it can even create virtual materials based on a text description, like the car textures shown in the video below.

And that's not all – Roblox is also testing a code-generating AI that can turn text inputs into custom code.

Players can create buildings, terrain, avatars, and more, and adjust their appearance and behavior with simple, natural language commands instead of complicated coding.

"Even beginners like me, who have limited artistic abilities, can now create their own hit virtual spaces," Roblox CTO Daniel Sturman wrote in a recent blog post.

Daniel went on to say...

“Say I need a gleaming metal sword for an experience I’m creating,” says Daniel Sturman, CTO at Roblox. “It should be really easy to create that.”

Roblox is already a WILDLY popular platform for young users today.

With this innovative technology, it could become the go-to toolset for novice game developers looking to build the next big virtual world.

Other companies like Epic Games may be competition, but Roblox's AI-based tooling gives it an edge in the race to become the infrastructure for the metaverse.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development!