Is AI Going to Destroy Civilization?

Is AI Going to Destroy Civilization?
Elon Musk Issues Dire Warning During ChatGPT's Emergence

Elon Musk Issues Dire Warning During ChatGPT's Emergence

During a virtual appearance at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Twitter CEO Elon Musk issued a warning about the dangers of uncontrolled AI development.

This happened just as ChatGPT continues to gain massive popularity.

The tool was the fastest-growing tech platform in history when it surpassed 100 Million Users in a little over a month or so.

Musk, who co-founded OpenAI, the firm responsible for ChatGPT, called on governments to implement safety measures to prevent the potential existential threat that AI could pose to humanity.

Musk acknowledged that while AI has the potential for positive advancements, it also comes with great danger.

This is much like the discovery of nuclear physics which brought both nuclear power generation and nuclear bombs.

The billionaire mogul emphasized that it is crucial to have clear safety guardrails in place for AI technology to ensure the safety and well-being of society.

Musk’s comments came as critics raise some serious questions about the AI tools flaws.

ChatGPT has shown a propensity to display political bias an spit out factually incorrect information.

In a specific example, ChatGPT refused to write an article about Hunter Biden in the style of the New York Post, but complied when asked to write in CNN's voice.

During a virtual appearance at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Musk acknowledged that while he was an early investor and co-founder of OpenAI, the firm behind ChatGPT, he is no longer involved in its operations.

He emphasized that ChatGPT has made AI technology more accessible to people and illustrated just how advanced AI has become.

What do you think?

Is this technology too dangerous and should ChatGPT be shut down like Elon says?